Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Judge Condemns Prolix Pleading; Pens Limerick at the End of the Order

Visit to view a district court order condemning a pleading as prolix and requiring the plaintiff to replead.

Catching many readers' attention is the limerick by the judge at the end of the opinion:

Plaintiff has a great deal to say,
But it seems he skipped Rule 8(a),
His Complaint is too long,
Which renders it wrong,
Please re-write and re-file today.

Also notable was the fact that the complaint was 465 pages long, with the title of the racketeering lawsuit alone occupying eight pages.


At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

465 pages? that really is long, and the title of the racketeering lawsuit alone occupying eight pages, but at what point is it too long? 10 pages? I cant view the district court order, the link doesn't seem to work, anywhere else i can get this?


At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Promotional Pens said...

It appears that the link is no longer working....


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